

 2001年9月9日から14日まで、アフリカ・ブルキナファソのワガドゥグにおいて開催された第106回IPU(Inter-Parliamentary Union)会議に出席しました。


    I would like to thank you for this opportunity to address all of you today.
The Middle East Peace Process was adopted as the supplementary item at this IPU conference, and at this very moment when we are having a discussion on this topic, tragic news is circulating in the international community. On the other side of the globe from Burkina Faso, airplanes crashed into landmark buildings in Washington and New York, including the World Trade Center and many are being victimized.

    On behalf of the Japanese delegation of parliamentarians, I would like to express our deepest sorrow for the victims and their families of the tragedy, and pray that those who were injured and rushed to hospitals will make a swift recovery.

    Acts of terrorism should never be tolerated in the international community.
We seek for urgent and full investigation of the terrible incident and ask that decisive actions be taken against those responsible for the brutal acts of organized terrorism which is a desecration of democracy.

    the same time, however, we sincerely hope that those involved on the peace processes for the regional conflicts in the world including Middle East will avoid taking rash actions, but make concerted efforts to assure that this incident will not jeopardize the peace process that is already facing the most serious crisis, and prevent it from causing further tragedy.

    Looking back on the recent history of the Middle East peace process, the theme of this supplementary item, the September 1993 Oslo Agreement was a momentous development in the Middle East peace process. I clearly remember how the Agreement caught the imagination and fostered the hopes not only of nations located in and around the Middle East region, but of the entire world.

    Nevertheless, even though eight years have now passed since the signing of the Oslo Accords, the outlook for creating peace in the Middle East remains unclear, and the resolution of the conflict has been carried over into this new century. The stability of the region is essential for global peace and security, and the resolution of the Palestinian problem is a pivotal issue.

    Since last September, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has intensified, and too many people have lost their lives in this vicious cycle of brutal acts of violence and retaliation. The endless stream of victims who are unarmed civilians including women and children in the occupied territories, is deplorable.

    The international community cannot stand by and watch as this tragic situation continues. We must do everything we can to stop the escalation of the conflicts and make every possible effort to place the peace negotiations back on track.

    As an emergency response, we welcome the adoption of a resolution on cruel terrorist attacks at this IPU conference.

    At the same time, we must share strong commitment to immediately initiate actions to fundamentally resolve the Palestinian issues.

    The three recommendations presented in the Mitchell Report - .an immediate cessation of all acts of violence, .the implementation of confidence-building measures, .and the resumption of negotiations - .provide the only path toward breaking through the present deadlock, preventing any further deterioration of conditions, and resuming the political process.

    Efforts by Israel and the Palestinians toward rebuilding mutual confidence will be absolutely essential to fully implement the Mitchell Report recommendations at the earliest possible date. We are calling on all parties in the conflict to exercise maximum restraint during this critical period.

    We parliamentarians, by all means, should endeavor not to close of the routes for dialogue.
Additionally, in implementing the Mitchell Report recommendations, the establishment of third-party monitoring is essential. We believe that the IPU should develop still more active support toward the provision of international monitors that are acceptable to both sides of the conflict, and other regional interests.

    To overcome current crisis and solidly establish mid and long term peace in Middle East, we parliamentarians, representatives of the people of all the nations, are required to make maximum efforts and take further actions.

    We must actively support the efforts of the parties concerned to ensure that the peace process does not deteriorate further..

    In closing, I would like to express our strong resolve to extend every support in close cooperation with our colleagues gathered here today.

    I would like to thank you for your kind attention.


自民党幹事長 衆議院議員茂木としみつ

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